October 28, 2021

As you may have noticed, we are in the middle of our quarter four InBody season, and we are also a little late to the party. That is because we are in the process of making InBody scans more accessible and easier to schedule! The InBody will soon be upstairs, and you will be able to schedule a scan whenever you would like throughout the day without a coach.
The InBody measures bodyweight, body fat, and muscle mass. It is a very useful tool for keeping track of your physical progress, and we strongly recommend getting one scheduled at least every three months to make sure you are staying on the path to your fitness goals. It is also helpful in determining whether any changes you are implementing in your nutrition or training are effective or counterproductive.
We will have our updated schedule posted within the next week or two, along with resources to help you correctly use and get the most out of the InBody. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to a coach!