Programming Through The Open

February 17, 2018

Hey everyone I just wanted to give a quick explanation about where our class programming is headed over the next 5 weeks. Thursday Feb 22 the CrossFit Games Open workout 18.1 will be announced and mark the start of the 2018 CrossFit games season. For the majority of us this season lasts 5 weeks and is called the Open. You can think of these five weeks as “testing weeks”. You will be putting you body and mind to the test during one Open WOD per week and just like any other test the time to study is BEFORE not during.

How will this change our programming? The biggest thing I think you will notice is the overall drop in volume (amount of total work) accumulated in not just daily workouts but throughout the week as a whole. This is designed to help you feel good and not completely beat down over these next 5 weeks. You can still hit your workouts hard and bring that intensity but it will be limited by shorter time domains and lighter weights.

The second thing you will notice will be the lack of raw strength work. We will be taking a hiatus from a structured strength program that typically accommodates our conditioning pieces and instead focusing on maintaining a base level of strength while improving movement quality.

Take these next 5 weeks to have fun and use this experience to set some training goals for the rest of the year! Flex your strengths and really push yourselves, but also be honest about your weaknesses and don’t let them get you down. Keep a positive attitude!  We all have weaknesses and areas where we can do better, so it’s important not to dwell on them in a negative way.  Take them on as a way to challenge and improve over time.  Be prepared for the WODs to be difficult both mentally and physically, but know that we’re all in it together!

-WCFM Coaches